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Signed on November 06, 2018 at 8:40 AM
Name: Gary Bridgewater

We as in mom and I were informed by one of your members that at your oyster and ham dinner. Your house and others said a prayer for our son Jacob Yates. Jacob has suffered from a seizure disorder all his life, mom and I know a few of you all by first name, went to school with some and some are family. The few that have been here to the house on calls that involved Jake know him well. One of your members Will lawman on October 10 2001 he responded to a call at our residents involving Jake to we're he preformed CPR twice to resuscitate him. Well 17 years later Jake had his brain surgery to remove the deformities that will stop him from having seizures. We would like to thank Cobb island fire station 6 and all involved with Jake for the prayers and support. He is home and recovering now at this time and if anyone would like to come by to visit him, please fill free to do so. Thanks too all of you all.

Signed on July 24, 2017 at 11:32 AM
Name: Dale.Hupp

Very nice website. Informative and up to date. I was inside your station recently and the cleanliness and order was impressive.

Signed on April 18, 2016 at 9:04 AM
Name: James Hayes
Location: Midlothian, VA

I was rescued Friday about 5:00 pm after I fell off my boat and was unable to get back on. I want to thank all the folks who came out on the Fire & Rescue boat and the folks who met us on the dock. You provide a wonderful service. I was able to sail back to Colonial Beach that evening and return home.

Signed on July 21, 2013 at 4:52 PM
Name: Robin Windsor
Location: Dentsville EMS and Auxiliary

A huge THANK YOU to the ladies and gentleman of Cobb Island VFD and EMS, for hosting our recent EMT-B refresher class. Your hospitality and the friendly atmosphere, made this one of the most enjoyable class's ever !

Many thanks,

Robin Windsor
Co. 159

Signed on October 02, 2012 at 10:07 PM
Name: Jim Anderson
Rank/Title: Life member Charles County Rescue Squad
Location: Westminster, MD

My condolences go out to the officers and members of the Cobb Island VFD on the passing of Mike Shymansky. The Shymansky family and the membership will also be in my thoughts and prayers. Mike will be missed through out the fire and rescue community.

Signed on October 26, 2011 at 1:11 PM
Name: Jack Welsh & Kim Vela
Location: 18097 Cypress Drive

It is nice to be a new resident of the Island.
We are very happy to be settled in.
Jack & Kim

Signed on October 18, 2011 at 3:43 PM
Name: Rev. Joseph D. Blanton
Rank/Title: Pastor, Cobb Island Baptist Church
Web Address:
Location: Cobb Island, Md

Great website!

Signed on October 02, 2011 at 4:40 PM
Name: bernie saunders
Location: cobb island

To everyone that has called concerning the passing of Jacks mother, the family would like to Thank all of you. Although funeral arrangements have not been completed, we are thinking it will be some time next week. You all will be remembered in our prays. Thank you all so much again Jack Saunders and Family.

Signed on August 12, 2011 at 1:31 PM
Name: David Jordan
Rank/Title: Captain avfd / charles dispatcher
Web Address:
Location: Charles ES / AVFD

To the family, friends, and Cobb Island Fire Dept. I'm sorry for your loss. All of you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure Chris is looking down on all of you. It was an honor to be able to do the last alarm for Chris. May he rest in peace.

Signed on August 12, 2011 at 8:53 AM
Name: Robin J. Windsor
Rank/Title: Chief
Location: LaPlata, MD

Our heartfelt prayers and condolences are with the family and friends of Chris Staley, and the Cobb Island Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad. Such a sad and untimely loss for all. As the Good Book says, there is no greater love than to lay down your own life for that of your friend. May our Brother and our Hero rest in peace.

Signed on August 10, 2011 at 3:37 PM
Name: Brad C Childress
Rank/Title: Captain
Web Address:
Location: Stevensville,Md

On behalf of The United Communities Volunteer Fire Department, Romancoke, we would like to extend our sincerest condolences to your Department. Your members and the family of F/F Staley are in our thoughts and prayers.

Signed on August 09, 2011 at 10:44 PM
Name: Andrew Spalding
Rank/Title: EMS Chief/PIO
Web Address:
Location: Newburg

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Staley Family, as well as the Cobb Island Vol. Fire Department and Rescue Squad during these difficult times. May you all find comfort through these trying times by good memories of Chris and the support of each other. As always, if you need anything at all, don't hesistate to call.

Signed on August 09, 2011 at 10:00 PM
Name: Greg Bell
Web Address:
Location: Bakersfield, CA

I wish to offer my heartfelt condolences to the Staley family, Company 6 and the entire community for the loss of Chris Staley. God bless you all and know that Chris is in safekeeping.

Signed on August 09, 2011 at 9:15 PM
Name: Arthur V Warfield
Rank/Title: Past Pres, SHVFD&RS INC

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and Department members.

Signed on August 09, 2011 at 7:45 PM
Name: Randy Payabyab
Rank/Title: Fire-Rescue Volunteer( Philippines)
Location: Philippines

Our thoughts & prayers are with you & his family . Condolences to the Staley family and Cobb Island Vol Fire Dept.

Signed on August 09, 2011 at 7:34 PM
Name: Jeffrey Beavers
Rank/Title: Member Forestville VFD / Retired PGFD AEMS
Location: Upper Marlboro, MD

I met Chris while delivering to the Cobb Island Market, he was truly a great person with an over whelming dedication and passion for your department. I am glad I had the opportunity to meet him when Larry brought him up to the store, and his loss is defnitely felt by all. My thoughts and prayers are with your department, family and the friends of Chris. God Rest His Soul.

Signed on August 09, 2011 at 7:28 PM
Name: Forestville VFD Station 23
Web Address:
Location: Forestville Maryland

the Officers and Members of the Forestville Volunteer Fire Department offer their sincere condolences to all the Department Members Family and Friends of Chris. His tragic loss is felt by all. God Speed and stay safe

Signed on August 09, 2011 at 3:25 PM
Name: Matt Tomlins
Rank/Title: Deputy Chief
Web Address:
Location: Beltsville, Maryland

The Beltsville Volunteer Fire Department and Ladies Auxiliary would like to extend our sincerest condolences to your Department. Your members and the family of F/F Staley are in our thoughts and prayers.

Signed on August 08, 2011 at 9:11 PM
Name: Barbara Jeffries
Rank/Title: RN/Fire Buff
Location: United States

I wanted to share with all the Cobb Island members my deep sadness over the death of your brother Chris Staley. He sounds like a fine young man. To give his life to try to save another is the most noble thing a man can do.
Know that out here in Utah I am joining you in your sorrow, and I send prayers for comfort for you, his brothers and for his family and for your entire community.
With Love, Barbara Jeffries RN

Signed on August 08, 2011 at 6:46 AM
Name: Bertie Spalding
Rank/Title: Chief
Web Address:
Location: IronsidesRescue Squad

The members of Ironsides Rescue Squad wish to extend deepest sympathy to your members on the loss of Chris. Our thoughts & prayers are with you & his family

Signed on August 07, 2011 at 11:04 PM
Name: Darlene Thompson
Location: Dentsville EMS & Aux., Inc.

So sorry to hear about another tragic loss that your dept and community are suffering through. Condolences to the Staley family and Cobb Island Vol Fire Dept.

Signed on August 07, 2011 at 8:21 PM
Name: Paul Tolson
Rank/Title: Lt. 79D
Location: Lexington Park Md

Great website guys. Keep up the good work.

Signed on July 26, 2011 at 8:35 AM
Name: Frank & Kathy Heidel

We stumbled on an accident this morning (26 July) where a lady fell asleep and ran into the woods near Swan Point road. CIVFD responded. Just wanted to say we were very impressed with your professionalism. Very good job. You deserve a pat on the back.

Signed on March 13, 2011 at 3:40 PM
Name: Chuck
Web Address:
Location: Connecticut

Very nice site. Keep up the great work and stay safe!

Signed on March 11, 2011 at 3:16 PM
Name: Grady Bell
Location: Tucson, AZ

Love the new firehouse....excellent. I was a volunteer in the late 50's

Signed on February 03, 2011 at 12:34 PM
Name: David Herron
Rank/Title: Editorial Assistant
Web Address: Maryland State Archives
Location: Annapolis, MD


Signed on November 13, 2010 at 9:41 PM
Name: Natalee Melendez
Rank/Title: Thank you

Thank you too all the people who helped me at the oyster dinner , when i had troublee breathing ! :) Thank you sooo much everyone !!!

Signed on November 07, 2010 at 6:34 PM
Name: Lisa Purks
Location: Woodford, Va

Hello, I would just like to pass along our appreciation for the Annual Oyster Ham Dinner! I attended with my boyfriend and his uncle and was very pleased with the dinner and all the fixings...Everything was delicous and we enjoyed our selves. The staff was very helpful with the serving of beverages when we needed them. Thanks again...we can't wait till next year to attend again. Lisa

Signed on October 13, 2010 at 8:45 PM
Name: Linda Rudy
Location: Cobb Island

The website is very well-done and easy to navigate. Thanks for this informative link to the community!
We greatly appreciate knowing that we live in a place where there are so many trained firefighters and rescue volunteers. Keep up the wonderful work that you all do.

Signed on October 02, 2010 at 9:06 PM
Name: Cathy Lancaster
Rank/Title: past EMT
Web Address:
Location: St. Leonard, Md. 20685

i just wanted to say i really miss cobb island firehouse and all the great friends i have down on cobb island. I came down after the fire house was finished and i really want to say it is wonderful everyone does a great job to help others and you really deserve a wonderful fire house like you have . Please all EMT'S and FIREFIGHTER'S stay safe and keep up the good work . MISS YOU ALL CATHY LANCASTER

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Firehouse Solutions
Cobb Island Volunteer Fire Department and EMS
P.O. Box 156
17069 Cobb Island Road
Cobb Island, MD 20625
Emergency Dial 911
Non-Emergency: 301-259-4258
Station Fax: 301-259-0527
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